Our Products


Server Boosts Terms of Service

Important Information

  1. Anti-Raid Bot Warning: If you have an anti-raid bot active and the boosters are kicked, it is not our responsibility. Please ensure you disable such bots before purchasing.

  2. Booster Management: If you kick the boosters, they will stop boosting, and we will not replace them.

  3. Non-Transferable Boosts: Once purchased, server boosts cannot be transferred to another server.

  4. Warranty Disclaimer: There is no warranty in case of mass token revocation by Discord.

Service Details

14x Server Boost for Discord Server!

Elevate your Discord server to Level 3, the maximum level.

  • Privacy Assurance: We do not require any personal data. Only the Discord server invitation link is needed.

  • Service/Product Offered:

    • Level 3 Plan | Maximum Level
    • 14x Server Boosts (valid for 3 months)
  • Quality Assurance: Our service is high quality and durable.

  • Guarantee: 100% guaranteed delivery or your money back.

Purchase Process

After purchasing, send us your server invitation link. Delivery is completed within 1 to 24 hours, typically within 30 to 60 minutes.


Refund Will Be Provided Only on the Basis of How Much Service or Product is Used

If the Product or Service is Used 50% Then Only 50% Refund Will Be Provided. Dealing With Me = Accepting My Tos


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